Sunset on the Pacific

Sometimes routine saves me. It frees my mind to think while I move on autopilot. But eventually (inevitably really) it holds me back. The truth is, I thrive on change. I need it like I need air. Not the ground constantly shifting, but a pivot every so often so I can look at things from a different angle.

It’s now time for that pivot. My writing has been suffering this year for a lot of different reasons, but I’m also struggling to find a routine that will ensure that I do it more often than not. So I am going to apply the same method that I used to get myself to exercise as consistently as possible: I’m going to do it first.

For a long time I’ve set my writing as a later priority: later in the morning, later in the afternoon… but things get in the way. Now it’s going to be my first priority. I’m waking up an hour earlier to meditate, then write, all in my workout clothes so when I’m done writing I can just walk out the door and get the other important thing I need to do done before breakfast.

I am not a morning person, so this is a challenge, but I know it works. It has worked for years to get me working out more often than not, so we’ll see if it translates to writing. Fingers crossed because I don’t know what else to do at this point. So much else seems to get in the way or nag at me if I put it off even though I treat it like a job. The thing is I have this other job to attend to that I agreed to do so I could be home to write and I am the kind of person who doesn’t like to leave loose ends. I have to find the sweet spot.

Another part of that change will occur here. I’m going to use this space more often, work out my process, and share whatever I’m going through, like a writing journal. I hope it will help hold me accountable and be vaguely interesting as well.

Have a Happier Monday; let’s get to work.

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